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Who we are

Meet the team behind the world's most advanced ultra-secure devices.

With years of experience in developing cutting-edge security solutions, we understand the importance of protecting sensitive data from all kinds of threats.


Our mission is to provide organizations and individuals premium service and tools they need to communicate and collaborate without compromising on security.


We are a global team known for our expertise in high-tech and security, with operations in Finland, United Arab Emirates and Australia.


Delivering quality and security is in our DNA.

Our Leaderships Team

Our Vision

We aspire to be the leading Engineering technology and services partner delivering cutting-edge and world-first capability for sophisticated clients' needs, revolutionizing the technology landscape with our Engineering capability and talent globally.


Our Values

At LumiOcean our values are the foundation which guide how we operate, make decisions and build relationships that last. They are not mere words, rather they form the fabric of our organizational culture. 


We live by  four core values - Excellence, Integrity, Respect and Teamwork.

Excellence - We never settle for great, our mission is to make impossible a reality. 

Integrity - We live by Brutal Honesty and Transparency in all of our interactions.

Integrity is the bedrock upon which we build trust – within our team, with our partners, and our clients.

Respect - Respect is at the core of our values. We embrace diversity as a source of strength and recognise the true value of the unique perspective that each person brings

TeamLumi - One Team, One Vision. We work as ONE team towards a common goal, we foster an amazing work environment and we bring out the best in people, partners and the extended team

- we are LUMIOCEAN

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